Friday, June 25, 2010

Bread, Cake, and Flowers!

So there is not a whole lot to update on our family. We have not heard anything else from Alexandra, so I would guess that she picked one of the other 6 couples that she was looking at. Also I got a three week job helping in a second grade class during Summer School. It has been fun working with those children and helping them catch up so they are ready for school in the fall. I was lucky enough to be placed with a teacher that I went to high school with Melanie's friend Rochelle. It is fun to get out of the house and actually be able to use part of my degree, and there is a possibility that the position could carry on into the fall which would be great!

Our Relief Society has been having different activity groups this summer and I wanted to show off some of the things I have learned to do. Here are some cute material flowers that I have made into clips for my hair. They are supper easy all you need it scraps of material, hair clips, hot glue, and material scissor. If anyone wants any more instructions let me know. Here is my first attempt at making bread and I have to say that it was a success. Some of the loafs are shaped weird because I only have one bread pan, but they still tasted great. Also I have had other successful attempts since this one and my next attempt is going to be wheat, lets hope it turns out.
Last night we had a cake decorating class and I know that I am not pro, but I was pleased with what I was able to do. They do have a lot of frosting on them because it took a lot to cover up my mistakes and I was just playing around with different ways to decorate :).


  1. I wanna know how you make them! Can you email me?

  2. So fun. I'm glad you showed off your crafts. I love our RS!

  3. Yes! Let me know how to make those flowers. So cute!
    Way to make bread. I make our bread most of the time. Tastes better and is cheaper.

  4. Who is the teacher you are working with? I'm curious... :D

  5. The teacher I am working with is Named Rachelle and She was a year ahead of us in school. Sorry to those who I was going to send the instructions to I will try to get to it this week.

  6. I want to make flowers with you! I think i want to start a headband business we can combine the two :)
