Tuesday, March 10, 2015


 She came up and grabbed my legs and said "Cheese" 
 I was trying to show her how to catch snow in the mouth she thought I was pretty funny.
 My beautiful and crazy girl! 

Saturday March 7th 

 Curt and his dad putting in our windows. My Dad was also there are helped put in all the doors. 
 Some of the inside 

 Aleana's room with the big arch window 
 Are room with our own bathroom and his and her's closets
 When I first got there 

 About 3 hours later when I left. 
 We made some good progress. we also got the two doors in the garage done as well.  Thanks Dad's

My little girl loves to put on hats and look at herself in the mirror. She also loves to play in the water. She likes brushing her teeth because then she gets to play in the water, at least it is teaching her good hygiene.  Although she does like to walk across the counter to get her tooth brush so I guess that is not safe.  I don't have to many pictures of her because she always thinks I am taking a video and wont hold still.  She is a little show off and loves to watch videos I take of her.

Aleana also loves to say prayers and wants to say them every time we are saying a prayer.  She is so sweet and will bless everything she can think and says "for mom", "for dad", "for Aleana"and will continue listing things like Ryker, Sheena and Kason, the water, everything on her plate, what she has done or what she will do and just random things we have seen or talking about. We have been working on having her say Heavenly Father and folding her arms we will say "fold your arms and say Heavenly Father" so she say "For Father arms" I think it is cute and I am sure Heavenly Father smiles when he hears her pray.  I love that her prayers are so personal and that she says them all by herself. She also loves to have us pray and we often all take turns saying prayers.   I hope that she continues loving to pray.

We are all getting a little warn down with this house building and we are glad we are on the down hill slop even if we are only one step down the other side. Aleana misses her Daddy and I know he misses her and non of us are getting the sleep we need especially with Aleana either wanting to stay up late or skipping naps.  I am also getting warn down with all the stress of trying to keep everything on a time schedule with Aleana and all the babysitting.  I think the Lord is slowly preparing me for another kid he has planned for us. The money is nice and his mom did buy some different formula which has help him eat and sleep better.  I broke down crying for no real reason.  I guess it can be a bit much at times and I don't get out much.  I will have to plan another surprise date for Curt so we can have a break.  We are excited for our house and we know the work will never really be done.

We are hoping to get our profile online while the Church is playing for couples to be on adoption.com.  Maybe if we are lucky we will welcome and baby home not long after we move into our new house.  Here comes all the paper work and the roller-coaster of emotions.

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