Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Weak moment

I have been babysitting a new born the last week and most days have gone as expected tough at times but then he takes long naps.  Well today his mom brought pumped milk and was feed it to him straight from the fridge.  After a several hours of trying to feed him and trying to get him to sleep I realized it was probably the cold milk.  I warmed it up and tried feeding him and he was taking it but kept falling asleep but as soon as I set him down he would wake up just crying from hunger or because Aleana was bugging him.  Mean while I have been trying to take care of Aleana and helping her with her potty training but having to spend most of my day with the baby. She would try to get my attention and then go off and try to take care of her self like pulling a cucumber out of the fridge pilling it and eating it (mind you she is two).  Well Aleana was trying to help clean out the dishwasher and climbing around getting things off the counter. I hear this crash and shatter and come in to see the a bowl broken on the floor.  I grab Aleana with out thinking and spank her and because I was so up set I hit her again this time getting her bear leg.  She looks at me and starts crying and I start bawling like I have not bawled in a long long time.  All three of us are just crying our eyes out, it was not a pretty sight.  I was not so upset that I patted Aleana's bum because she acting out I was more upset that I hit her out of frustration. I got the baby cried himself to sleep and I rocked his car seat a minute after.  Once I got Aleana ready she crashed in my arms fast, the poor girl was so tired.  I hope that tomorrow goes better, it is real training for a second kid one day.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Big Girl!

I am not saying Aleana is potty trained in two days but for going potty in the toilet for the 1st time that I know of for sure, to go to the potty about 6 times today plus pooing is pretty amazing.  When this girl puts her mind to something she goes for it and I just have to follow her lead.  For months now she has been observing how to go potty and has sat on the potty several times so I have been prepping her, but I knew that it would have to be her idea to be successful.  I am still going to be using diapers during the day for a while and during naps and at night for who know how long since she loves her milk, but we will get a lot of practicing in for now.    

Monday, February 2, 2015


Since we have had 1:00 Church Sacrament meeting has been a challenge.  Yesterday was bad Aleana started out running around with her friends around the chapel since Choir practice was still going on. Then she tried to escape from me several times before the sacrament.  During the sacrament she was fighting me and kept crawling to the empty bench in front of us and telling me she wanted to find Daddy so I was ready for her to run for it but I guess not ready enough.  She took off and made it to the second row before I caught her.  They were about to pray again so I just sat down and she cried an d screamed during the prayer.  Luckily a friend of mine was nice enough to send her son over with an active to distract her for the rest of sacrament.  When Curt was finished she ran to him and we headed back to our bench.  Aleana continued to crawl up to the empty bench and was laying on the bench. when there was about 20 mins left we got her to come back and eat snacks on Curt's lap.  We noticed she was falling asleep eating her crackers and then she asked for a drink.  It did not take more than 5 mins and she was out.  We did not dare wake her so Curt sat with her During Sunday School and I came and traded so he could teach.  I thought she was going to wake up several times but she just went right back to sleep. When there was 15 mins left in Church she rolled off the bench and woke self up. She was so confused and wanted to know where daddy was.  She looked up in the room where they prepare the sacrament and then I got her to go to the last ten minutes of nursery.  Poor little girl just needed some sleep, she has not fall asleep in church for probably a year.  Also it was nice to have some quiet time to just read and ponder to get ready for this week.

Also I started a new babysitting job today.  I am watching a new born 4 days for 8 hours until the end of may a week while his mom teaches school.  So far it has gone good he has been asleep for almost 4 hours now and Aleana has been asleep for almost 2.  The Lord told me he would help me do this so we could make some extra money.  I know everyday wont be this easy but it shows me once again how much I can rely on my Heavenly Father.  Aleana has struggled a bit she was excited for the baby to wake up and play but when she realized he cant wake, crawl, play on her bed or slide down the stairs and just was held by mom so she could not play she was ready for him to go back to sleep and have his mom come pick him which was only 2 hours into the day.  She also has not wanted to share her bouncer and has wanted to sit in it all day so he has been sleeping in his car seat.  She does like him and wants to share food with him so hopefully things get better.