Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just the Same

Just the Same

By Diana Lynn Lacey

God sends rain
Straight from the sky
To nourish the young flower
and it grows.
God sends rain from the sky
To the mountaintops,
Then over hills and through valleys
Until it reaches the flower
and it grows, just the same.
God sends a child
Straight from His realm
Into a mother’s arms
and love grows.
God sends a child
From heaven to another’s arms,
Then over hills and through valleys
Until he reaches the arms of his mother
and love grows, just the same.

I really love this poem. It helps me remember how much the Lord really does love me.
My children may not come the normal way but I have faith that the Lord will still bless me with children, my children just have to take a longer path to get to my arms.

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing Christine. I admire your strength. I hope that your dreams of motherhood come true sooner rather than later.
