I want to start doing a weekly post so I can stay up on life and not spend so much time trying to play catch up. Hopefully I can stay on top of it :)
This week has been a bit rough for Aleana, she is cutting her two top canines and has not been sleeping well. A few night this past week she has woken up at about 5:30 and has had a really hard time going back to sleep. We rock her, give her drinks, teething tablets and eventually end up giving her a cup of milk to get her to go back to sleep. One night Curt was up with her for a couple hours and then I can and got her to sleep. Then a couple night I was up with her and Curt came in to put her to sleep. One morning she went back to sleep for about a half hour and the next morning she did not go back to sleep until her nap which she took early around 10:00 and did not take another one. She has been a tired little girl all week and her naps have been messed up too!
On top of all this on Wednesday we went with Curt to young men's and young women's at the archery range, I went in to go shoot while Curt stayed out in the hall where they have classes and watched Aleana. She climbed up a few stairs then slipped and rolled while coming down. Curt caught her before she fell all the way down but she did hit her mouth and got a cut up lip. Curt felt so bad that he was not able to prevent it from happening. She cried for a while but was alright other then when the salt from her snacks got into the cut. She also kept scraping the cut with her teeth and poking it with her finger because it was something new. She did not sleep well that night, I don't know if she was in pain or what.
Thursday we went down with Curt to Ogden for an interview at Mckay Dee Hospital. Aleana and I went to play with Kathy and Layla while he was at his interview. Aleana had been up since 5:30 with only a 30 min nap and she did not fall asleep in the car. She was actually pretty happy and willing to play with Layla until the end when she up playing Kathy's key board and got a paper cut from turning the pages in one of her music books. She did not notice she cut her self until I noticed blood on her face and hand. We pulled her down and cleaned her up and put a Band-Aid on her finger. She did not like me cleaning of her finger, but worst of all was the Band-Aid. She looked at it after Kathy put it on her finger and just began to bawl. When it fell off later when Curt came to get us and he tried to put it back on she started to cry and would not let him. We got her in the car seat and thought she would just crash out but she stayed awake until after we stopped at Burger King for lunch. She wanted some fries and wanted them dipped in the sauce. It was sad but kind of funny, she was half asleep eating fries and crying because the salt and fry sauce was hurting her cut but she did not want to stop eating. I was glad when she was finished and finally fell asleep. When we got home after taking Curt back to work I just sat in the car with her because I did not want to risk her waking up. When she woke up we ran inside got some lunch changed her diaper and left to catch the last 10 mins of our mommy and me dance class. She cried a lot of the time so maybe it was not worth going, hopefully it will go better next week.
Friday morning was the morning she did not go back to sleep until 10:00 and she only slept about 1 1/2 hours in stead of 2. We still had our play date with my friend Liz and her little boy, but she was a bit grumpy and by end she was crying. I tried to put her to sleep after they left but of course she did not go down for a nap. I was supposed to take dinner to a neighbor but I did not get it there till almost 7 because of Aleana's help and a few other complications. I think we all crashed that night.
Yesterday was crazy too! In the morning we went and spoke at a class for new adoptive couples and Aleana got babysat by the Kjar's. When we got her home she went down for about a 40 min nap. We were thinking it was going to be a 2 hour nap so we just kind chilled and then had to get our stuff done and get a treat made for the Date Night we were hosting at our house that night while Aleana was awake. Curt went off to priesthood meeting and we played. I put in a pizza and came back 20 mins latter to find it still cool because the oven decided to stop heating. I restarted the oven and cooked the pizza. We got dinner really late and Aleana kept crying. I got her over to the babysitter and got back and people were already here. We had fun playing and talking but I think that if we were not FSA Chairs and that I had not asked the Mora's to plan the date night and then said we would host it I think we would have cancelled it or not gone. We did not get Aleana down to bed until after 9 and she was so tired, but she was pretty good for our friend.
Today has not been much better, she woke up crying, cried though breakfast, and wined through getting ready. We were debating on taking her to stake conference, but we did and just let her play with the other kids in the cry room. She mostly did alright besides throwing a couple of the other kids toys into the baptismal font. She only took a 40 mins nap today and has been super fussy. We took her on a walk and she cried when we did not let her go back out. I hope she sleeps good tonight and that this next week goes better.
On a better note Aleana learned how to take her zip up jacket off all by her self, we just say do you want to take your jacket off and she unzips her jacket and works her arms out of her sleeves, sometimes she needs a little help. Now she can take her shoes and Jacket off by herself and helps get her shirt up over her head, she is learning so fast. She also will respond to other command when we ask her unless she is teasing us. It is fun to see what she can understand already.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Presidents Day!
Since the weather was not great on Presidents Day we had to make our own fun, we did go on a little walk but mostly we stayed inside and played. We decided to make a fort in our living room and red stories and watched a show. Aleana liked in for a while, then she went out and was playing peek-a-boo with us, eventually she ended up ripping off the blankets. It was fun and I am sure we will make one again in the future. Curt also tried to give her another guitar lesson but she mostly wanted to play with the guitar so it did not last long.
Aleana is getting really tricky we went out on Saturday to get knob cover for the doors because she has figured out how to open some of the doors in our house. Next thing we know she is going to be trying to run out the front door. She loves to be out side and loves to run away from us while we are playing. We will have to keep those doors locked so she does not run away. Also today we put more latches on our drawers so she does not empty out all our kitchen drawers. She is such a busy girl!
I am trying to get her used to being around other kids and prepare her nursery so we have been taking turns taking her into nursery which she loves and it makes a church a lot less crazy. Also we have started going to story time at the library, the first time she went she got nervous with all the other kids around her so we ended up leaving early and today I guess it was there week off but she had fun playing with some of the other kids there, we will slowly get her used to sitting a listening to a teacher. Tomorrow we are going to start a mom and me dance class with my friend Janaca Seegrist. I hope it will be fun for her.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Happy Valentines Day!!
My Friend Jessica put together a little photo shoot and we went over to take Aleana's Valentines Pictures. This one in the chair I just snapped after pictures but I think it is one of my favorites!
Blowing a Valentine's Kiss!!
A collage of my cute little Valentine!
My little Princess!
Here are some of my other favorites!
Being a little Shy :)
Aleana's little friends who also got pictures, next to her is Leo, and then Addelyn the daughter of my friend that took the pictures.
Matching with our valentines mouse!
The cute cards that my sweet husband made for me, Aleana and one from Aleana to me!
Tulips for Aleana and I from Curt
Aleana and I had fun making valentines, well maybe it was more fun for me:) We spread them around the house on Valentines so that he could find them through out the day. He loved finding each one. I even made him a cute little box to keep them in. I also gave him a card and a giant Recess heart.
I helped Aleana make him a big valentine, it says "My two little hands show what my heart feels for you" I had her help me write "I Love You" and "Love Aleana". Curt just loved it!! He loves being a Daddy and absolutely loves his little girl Aleana!
Aleana and I had fun making valentines, well maybe it was more fun for me:) We spread them around the house on Valentines so that he could find them through out the day. He loved finding each one. I even made him a cute little box to keep them in. I also gave him a card and a giant Recess heart.
I helped Aleana make him a big valentine, it says "My two little hands show what my heart feels for you" I had her help me write "I Love You" and "Love Aleana". Curt just loved it!! He loves being a Daddy and absolutely loves his little girl Aleana!
My cute Valentine decorations!
Aleana loves are balloon I got her for Valentines, although sometimes it does scare her because it floats instead of laying on the ground. I also got her a book called "Love is a Handful of Honey" and some puffy Princess stickers.
That night we watched Stardust and ate cupcakes we got from our friends. It was nice to just relax together.
We usually have a nice dinner that we have never made before so today curt made Lobster Tails for dinner. It was really good!
Aleana enjoying some green beans, after seeing us drink milk out of our bowls she thinks she needs to drink all her food:)
Enjoying some chocolate pudding for the first time. I think it was a hit.
Our yummy dessert! Brownies, pudding, whip cream, raspberries and strawberries, it was delicious! I should have put more berries in because it was a little chocolaty but I guess we can use the rest on pancakes tomorrow:)
After Aleana went to bed we watched Pride and Prejudice, what a good movie! We got to have two Valentines day! I just love my husband!
Happy Birthday to Me and other family fun!!
On Friday February 7 we went out to enjoy all the snow we had been receiving. Aleana was afraid to sit in the deep snow so she sat on my lap while we made a little snowman. She was fine siting on the ground after I cleared away all the snow. She kept pulling out our little snow mans arms and then wanting me to put them right back in. Silly Girl.
Two little cuties are with my Dad.
My family came up on Saturday the 8th for a little Birthday party for me and my mom. Aleana was tired and really did not want to play with Layla or anyone much. She did like sitting in the big camp chair all by herself. We had pizza, ice cream, and red velvet cupcakes (which I made). We were going to go up to Hardware Ranch to see Elk but it was bad weather so we just played at home.
My sister gave me pink button up sweater with a tie and my parents gave me some money. The little cuties got some valentine toys from Debbie and a Princess book that plays music from my mom. It was fun having family up. We did miss Brian and Cadie because they were sick.
My sister gave me pink button up sweater with a tie and my parents gave me some money. The little cuties got some valentine toys from Debbie and a Princess book that plays music from my mom. It was fun having family up. We did miss Brian and Cadie because they were sick.
Cute little family picture!
My Birthday was on Monday February 10th and I had a nice birthday, Curt ended up staying home from work because he had to take the car in that morning, luckily nothing serious just a sensor. We got to spend the day together!! He helped with Aleana, cleaned the house, and made fish for dinner and homemade apple cobbler. I am lucky to have such a wonderful husband! We had friends come over that evening for cobbler and ice cream.
In the Afternoon Curt gave me my presents.
In the Afternoon Curt gave me my presents.
Helping me read my card from her!
Aleana thinks all presents are here's, she is wearing the hat Curt had my friend Chelsea make for me.
I think it is adorable!!
Helping me open presents and trying to still my "mum mum's" as she calls them.
Curt also got me an exercise game for the Kinect, and a soft rug to stand on while I get ready in the bathroom (it is supper comfy to stand on :). Curt's mom gave me a red scarf, socks, some headbands and some money.
Aleana in her bright fun outfit (she put on the head band and necklace herself) reading her Princess book from grandma. What a cutie, she diffidently has a fun personality :)
On another note we had planned to start the adoption process with LDS Family services, we even were getting together references and other documents, but we felt it is not the right time and LDS might not be the route for us to go this time. We talked and prayed about it the night before and made a final decision on my birthday. Some might think that would have been hard but it was actually a weight lifted off me because I was going to have to spend my whole birthday running around getting stuff done for our home study and filling out a long questionnaire. I also feels good to follow the promptings of the spirit and not just do something because we think it is what everyone expects us to to do and what we thought we should to do. I guess I should have listened to the spirit sooner and we would not have gotten so far into the process, it is hard to obey sometimes when it goes against what you think you want. Curt and I were planning to start again when she was 12 months but I kept getting the feeling we need to wait and then when we went to the temple a couple months ago I had the feeling that we would not be getting our next child through LDS Family services. Well I guess I thought it had been long enough and I LDS Family Services would be the right place to get started, but I the Lord had to remind me that he is in charge and has different plans for us. I will try and listen better. We are not sure of our next plans we thought there was a foster care situation to look into but it sounds like the aunt is going to keep the girls. We know the lord is in charge so we will see where this journey takes us :). I love my family the way it is now and will joy what the Lord has given me!!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Aleana is 16 months old!!
Fun from her 15th month
Aleana loves playing in our shoe closets and trying on our shoes. I caught her walking around in my red Sunday shoes. I am glad that I don't where high heels those would be a lot harder her for her to walk in.
She will also take books into our closet and sit to sit and read. I think the just likes to be alone sometimes.
My silly little girl reading her books and snuggling I with on of her many stuffed animals her.
All suited up and ready to go play. It has been fun having this snowsuit.
Aleana and Mommy playing in the snow!
This little girl love being outside and has just loved the snow!
She discovered how fun it is to throw the cushions off the couch. She is a busy little mischievous little girl!
She likes having her picture taken, I was taking pictures to show the difference in my hair before and after my hair cut and she kept saying "cheese, cheese" so I picked her up and we got this cute picture!
Before hair cut!
After hair cut! I was really happy with the results, Thanks Erin!
Going sledding!
She liked it the first couple of times but after that she was afraid to get in the sled. Glad I got happy picture.
She loves to help us cook!
Helping Daddy make pancakes for breakfast.
My cutie wearing my snow hat! I just love her:)
Looking out the window to see if Daddy is coming home.
She love looking out the window, she will climb up on the couch and over the arm and watch kids play, cars driving, birds etc. If she is not up watching and she hears a car or truck she has me pick her up so she can see. She especially likes to watch Daddy leave in the morning and watch for him to come home in the evening. She will also wave and blow kisses to people as they leave. I think it is so adorable.
Climbing over the arm of the couch, I have a climber on my hands. Wish me luck!
This girl loves her books, she will still pull all her books off the shelf and sit and flip through them. I also love that she will grab books, bring them to us and sit on our lap while we read them to her. I hope she keeps this love for reading. She is starting to discover TV more and knows how to turn on the TV. We will just have to monitor her TV watching.
She has started loving apples and has even started drinking apple juice and sometimes will eat apple juice. I have to be careful because sometimes she does really good and other times she will try and choke on apple pieces. I don't want to stop giving her apples but she diffidently needs to practice her chewing. She also loves dipping her food, gram crackers in milk, fries in catch up veggies in dressing etc.
My cool girl eating her apple!
My sister told us that they turn a park in Logan into a staking rink during the winter so we decided to go one Saturday. The skates where not the best but we still had a lot of fun.
As you can see from her thumbs up Aleana had fun to! She was laughing and smiling most of the time. We even let her run around in her shoes for a minute before we got in the car and she thought that was pretty cool.
Me and my sister Debbie! She is so fun, I just love her!
So I attempted pig tails in Aleana's hair, but apparently she has a supper sensitive head. She got a little upset while I was putting them it but i thought she would be fine after but she started pulling on them and bawling so I took them out. Luckily I was able to get a picture, I will have to try them again soon.
Daddy and Aleana chilling and reading books!
Aleana decided she was done coloring on the paper and deiced to try on her legs. Luckily it was only a couple minutes before I noticed or it could have been much worse. I am sure this will not be the last time this happens:)
My clever little girl used the big bowl she was playing with to stand on and get her drink off the counter. She is a smart one!
Aleana weighs about 23 lbs and has 8 teeth on the bottom and 4 teeth on the top with one canine on the way, poor girl has been in lots of pain with this tooth.
Aleana still love to close doors, she will try closing us in the closet, closes her bed room door while we are playing and also close me out of the room knock on the door and pass books back and forth under the door. She will also try and shut me in the room but can't because the door opens in, so she closes it as far as she can and then slips out her fingers.
She thinks it is fun to sit on us while we are laying down and bounce up and down. She just giggles, but it hurts us so we can't let her do it to long. She has decided that playing in her crib is fun so sometimes when I come to get her out she will not want to get out. Also she will often want to climb in and play during play time, but if I try to put her in for nap time she flips out. Crazy girl!
Aleana thinks she is a big girl and wants to sit in big people chairs by her self. She even think that at meal times she can sit in a big chair instead of her high chair. Sometime I let her when we are home alone, but I don't know if it is a good idea she is fight it more and more.
She says uh oh when something drops or spill and even sometimes when she drops or throws something on purpose. She dose like to get a cloth or paper towel and wipes up spills. She also likes to throw trash away and is getting good at cleaning up toys. I hope she keeps these traits.
Here favorite movies are Tangled and Finding Nemo. I think she learned the word mine for Nemo and has been her favorite word for a while and she know how and when to use it.
She has picked up some new word besides mine. She can say shirt, shoes, cheese, more, done, no, go Jesus, teeth, brush teeth, socks, mom, dad and probably a fee more. I think her talking is going to start taking off soon, it is so fun to here her learn.
All animals are still dog but now all animal make a neighing sound like a horse. She is changed a lot and I know she will continue to grow and change.
Starting of her 16 month!!
These are some pictures from her 16 month birthday!
Playing in the blinds.
My cute little model!
Getting into the movies!
Cute pictures with mom!
One morning we decided to have a little water fun. She first started spooning the water back and forth, then she started pouring it back in forth from bowl to bowl. I kept giving her new water when she spilled it all so by the end we had a big mess, but she had fun. Next time I will strip her down to her diaper because her pj's were all soaked. Then we pulled out the bubbles, it was fun to see what happened when the bubble hit the water because it did not pop right away, so Aleana got to pop them. 
She wanted to help mop up the water. She also still loves to sweep, but uses her own broom more.
It is fun to see how much she watches us and copies us but we do have to be careful so she does not pick up bad habits.
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