Monday, March 31, 2014

A lot of fun minus a crash and burn

Friday March 21

Thursday March 20th was a bit of a crazy night.  After dinner we took Aleana on a walk to feed the ducks.  While we were out we stopped to visit with  a neighbor and his son who is in nursery with Aleana.  They were playing and Aleana was chasing him trying to kiss him and still his chalk.  I had Aleana turn around and run back to wards Curt and she totally biffed it, her body was going faster than her legs. She fell on to her stomach and then rolled up on to her face.  Her nose was bleeding and she was bawling.  I headed in with her and Curt took the kid back to his dad.  Aleana was upset that Curt was not with us and started to calm down when he came in.  She did not like being washed up so we but on Clifford and gave her some pretzels dipped in Chocolate spread.  We also gave her some pain medicine.  We had to get her ready for bed down stairs because she would start to cry any time we would try to move her or turn off her show.  It took a while to get her down but she did sleep through the night.  

I deiced head over to part of our FSA's Ladies night which was at a Ladies house in Hide Park.  I remember that I got lost going to her house last time we had an activity there but I was not smart enough to have Curt draw me a map.  I drove out there and drove all around Hide Park.  I was dark and I did not know where I was going and just kept getting more lost.  I was crying and hoping I could find my way home.  I looked to the south and saw the light of the temple and knew if I followed that light I would make it safely home.  I am so grateful for the light of the gospel and how it can help us get through hard time and will guide us home.  When I got home I cried on Curt's shoulder and told him about my adventure.  I am glad I have such a wonderful husband.  I drank some hot chocolate and played some "Lego Lord of the Rings" and felt better.  I should have know after Aleana us fall that the rest of the night would be rough.    
Here is a picture of Aleana's face the morning after.  
Poor little thing. 
She was having a rough day so we chilled and watched TV.
  She could be a little couch potato if I let her. 
Aleana loves to watch the geese, ducks and sheep in the field.  
She will say quack, quack and mooo.  It is so cute! 
I baby sat Kaylee while Chelsie went visiting teaching.
  The girls had a lot of fun playing.  
My cool little girl! 
Playing Piano 
Playing peek-a-boo behind the curtain. 

 Sunday March 23

Before church with Mommy 
Everyone at church kept asking what happened to her face
I traded off with Chelsie in Nursery and Aleana did really good so her is hoping she will go to nursery on her own. 
After Church nap with Dad 
Dinner! Apple and a big cheese-er 
Chocolate pudding for dessert! 
She loved it! 
Yes she had chocolate pudding in her ears after that :) 

 Monday March 24

My baby is growing up so fast. 
 I can't believe how big she is getting and how pretty she is, look at those eyes.
I just love her! 
Chelsie babysat Aleana while I went visiting teaching and then we had play group outside. 
Aleana love's these little red cars, we need to get her some out side toys so she does not always have to play with her friends toys. Pretty much every time we go out side we end up playing in Rykers red car or in Kaylee's swing. Luckily they are nice enough to share. 
Swinging in Kaylee's swing.  
Last summer she was afraid of swing and now she loves them. 

Tuesday March 25 

She loves to walk around the house with her blanket over her head. Good thing it has holes in it :)
She climbed right up onto the chair and grabbed the muffin out of the pan and stared eating it, I found her like this when I got back from the bathroom.  She also got my vitamin but to my relief she did not get my cloidine that could have been rushing to the hospital bad because it would have dropped her blood pressure.  No leaving medicine on the table when I am not going to be right there. 

That evening Chelsie watched Aleana while Curt and I went to the Temple.  It was good to go do sealings with my wonderful husband.  Aleana did really well at Chelsie's but was super tired when we got her home and put her to bed.  

 Thursday March 27 

We watched Kaylee while Chelsie and Austin went to the temple.  Apparently it was too early in the morning because Aleana was super cranky and did not want me to take care of Kaylee.  At one point I tried to give them Spaghetti O's but Aleana broke down when I tried to put Kaylee in her high chair and feed her.  Aleana ended up in her high chair with both bowls.  They played a little around the house and in Aleana's crib, but since they were both being fussy and tired we ended up putting on "Frozen".  Aleana helped me figure out Kaylee had a poopy diaper because when Kaylee stood in front of her Aleana said ewe.  At least we know one person in the house can smell. 
Her two bowls of Spaghetti O's 

We went on a walk after dinner and Aleana found a puddle. She was sloshing by the end but she loved splashing in the puddle.  Curt had to carry her in to get her to come inside. 

I had a girls night at my friend Jessica's house, we watched "Austen Land".  It was a cute show.  Then we stayed talking until 11:30.  Good thing Curt had the next day off.  It was good to have some girl time.  

Friday March 28 

Ryan brought his family down for the day.  We met up with them and went to Pepperidge Farm to get Cookies and gold fish.  Then we went to lowers to get meat. They came to our house after running a few errors and we played Kenict Adventure and Disney land.  We also went over to the park and fed the ducks.  Aleana had a fun time with her cousins but I think she was ready to have them go by the end of the day.  They did not leave until almost 8:00.  She went to sleep easy after they left. 
Emmy, Aleana Hannah and Mary
Aleana and Emmy on the way to the park 

Walking with Becca
Going down the slide with Daddy, she loved the slide!  
She also loved playing with the steering wheels and stopped almost every time she headed up to the slide. 
Curt and Hannah coming down
On the way up to the slide 
Emmy and Aleana after Aleana knocked over her creation. 
Mary's tower
What cute girls! 
Aleana and her serious look, beautiful! 

 Saturday March 29 

Just over a week after her fall, look how good her face looks.  My mom sent up some vitamin E and it has worked wonders for her face, I don't think it will leave any scars! 

We went down to Layton for Conners 4 Birthday (Rusty Hansen's son) afterword I met up with my mom and sister for the Women's Conference. This is the first session we and women 8 and up. They really focused on us being daughter of good and the sisterhood we have as well as the blessings of keeping our covenants. It was a good meeting plus it only lasted an hour and 15 mins.  They had an ice cream bar after. 
  We went to the house after and hung out with Debbie my, parents, Allen Kathy and Layla.  We did not get home until 10:30.  Even though she fell asleep in the car I bet she will be tired tomorrow.   

 Sunday March 30 

Aleana was super tired on Sunday, we decided to try and leave her in nursery for the first time and she smashed her finger in a toy with in the first few minutes.  Curt was in the hall getting things ready for young men's so he ended up carrying her around all though class.  I tired taking her back and she started crying when one of the leaders tired to touch her.  She claimed down so I decided to slip out.  I listened by the door and did not hear anything and figured they would bring her to class.  Curt's class was meeting right down the hall for the nursery so when Aleana lost it after she figured out I was gone and came to see if he needed to take her.  She fell asleep on his shoulder.  I thought everything was fine since they did not bring her to my class.  Well I guess not.  She only took that 20 min nap on Curt's shoulder, so we has a chill afternoon.  Hopefully we did not scare her from every wanting to go back to nursery. 
Chilling on the couch with her blanket and snacks.  

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